Road Trips & Memorable Family Stories


Do you love family road trips? Man, oh man, do we need all of the good vibes that memories of road trips bring, no matter what your age.


I’ve already been on one road trip earlier this summer to my hometown Searcy, Arkansas. We had a great time digging around in the treasures of Old Hippy Antiques. One of the fun things I picked up was the Parker Brothers “Touring” card game. My research found some clues that these were sold around 1947 and seemed to be quite popular at the time. That year the Chevrolet Fleetline Aerosedan was the best-selling car and the art on the cards in the game accurately depict this model’s style.


Road trip memories

When my sister and I were preparing for our family’s annual road trip vacation journey from Arkansas to the gulf coast of Texas, we would each pack a child-sized hard-shell suitcase with stuff to keep us entertained in the car. Our road trips were in the 60s, so we missed the 1947ish “Touring” game, but I still have fun memories of the comic books, crayons, paper, and all sorts of tiny treasures that I considered essential for traveling away from home.

How about you?

What did you take along on your childhood road trips? For my kids who are now grown it seemed like the preparation for each trip included a frantic last-minute trip to buy a new pair of headphones for whatever their current music listening device was – Walkman, CD player, flip phone, etc. These were essentials and always seemed to go missing just as we were trying to head out of town as a family.

Blessings to you all as you enjoy getting out of the house and spending time with friends and family that you probably haven’t seen for way too long. Happy travels and enjoy creating new memories.


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