remembering you

Interactive Autumn 2022 Issue

Coming soon! Orders for personal and 🎄 Christmas gift orders of the Winter 2023 Remembering You package.

Today we’re excited to share the Autumn 2022 interactive sample issue with you.

Life gets busy and we somehow lose sight of some of the most important stories about ourselves that we want our kids and grandkids to remember.

In almost every family, significant family stories from the past are lost when we forget to ask our older family members to share them. And then suddenly they are gone from our lives forever.

Introducing Remembering You – a seasonal magazine filled with Story Starters.

What’s it all about?

This seasonal magazine is a tool designed to trigger your own memories as well as spark conversations with your parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents.

While you might never ask your grandmother what she thought about the day the Beatles sang “I Want to Hold Your Hand” on The Ed Sullivan Show, seeing their photo and watching a video of the performance might get her to confess that she screamed along with the girls in the audience!

We’ve packed in hundreds of visual reminders of events from the 1930s through the early 2000s.

What’s inside?

Published 4 times a year, this innovative magazine is part of a package of tools designed to not only spark and inspire stories but to give you a simple system for gathering them for the future.

When you subscribe to each season’s Remembering You package for yourself or as a gift for a special person in your life, here’s what you’ll receive:

  • A seasonal magazine filled with visual reminders of the past.
  • Each issue features 2 pages for each decade from the 1930s through the 2000s.
  • Unlimited access to the companion interactive digital edition of the magazine.
  • A seasonal story guide with writing prompts for memories connected to that season.
  • A pack of writing sheets, 3-holed punched for easy insertion into a story collection notebook with a download link for a template to make more copies if you need them.
  • 12 weeks of Saturday morning encouragement emails from Rebecca or one of our other story collecting guides.

We love family stories and want to provide as much nurturing for story gathering as we can!

