Build An Ebook – Step Nine

Build An Ebook – Step Nine

In the final stages of building an ebook, you’ll already have been immersed in your content for a while now. You’ll know not only what’s in your book but also know why you want someone to read it. Now in Step 9 of the Build An Ebook series it’s time to Create a Cover....
Build An Ebook – Step Eight

Build An Ebook – Step Eight

We’re in the final stages of building an ebook and at this point your content is written, some visual elements have been chosen, and all of it is placed into your chosen layout and design. Look at you! That’s a real accomplishment. Let’s look now at Step 8 –...
Build An Ebook – Step Seven

Build An Ebook – Step Seven

As you build your own ebooks, you’ll find that Step 7 in my Build An Ebook system is a milestone: Pull It All Together + Choose a Final Title. Think about it. You’ve written most if not all of your content. You’ve also made decisions about graphic content and chosen...
Build An Ebook – Step Six

Build An Ebook – Step Six

We’re building an ebook together and the next step after layout and design is to make choices on what visual elements you’ll be using in your book. Step 6 in the Build An Ebook process is focused on Illustrate – Graphics & Images.  ILLUSTRATE – ...
Build An Ebook – Step Five

Build An Ebook – Step Five

As we’re building an ebook together, we’ve reached the point where we both need to start deciding what your ebook will look like. Step 5 in the Build An Ebook process is focused on Layout and Design.  LAYOUT & DESIGN Simply said, layout and design determines how...
Build An Ebook – Step Four

Build An Ebook – Step Four

We’re building an ebook together and it’s time now for Step 4 – Edit and Revise Your Content. Hopefully your writing has gone well and you’re ready now to go back through it all and make some edits. EDIT & REVISE While you’ll edit differently for a personal,...